It’s Hard To Dance With Lead Shoes On
Georgia and I did something stupid recently. We added a class to our class calendar to facilitate. We thought this would be a great idea. We decided we were going to do it, and from that moment the energy died.
Have you ever had that where you’re going forward, creating all sorts of things, it’s magic, things are practically falling out of the sky onto your lap with so much ease, and then all of a sudden ::THUD!:: The energy’s gone, you can’t seem to interact and engage in the way you were before and it becomes like trying to swim through concrete?
That right there is a tell-tale sign that you’ve come to some kind of conclusion. That’s what conclusions do. They stop the flow of energy. They stop any sense of miraculousness and possibility you have going on in an area. It’s taking the infinite possibilities of the universe and trying to squeeze them down into one neat little box of one neat little conclusion. And anything that doesn’t match that one little conclusion isn’t invited to the party of your life anymore.
Goodbye possibilities. Hello concrete.
That’s what Georgia and I did the other day. So, we were neck-deep in energetic concrete, looking at our schedule of upcoming classes, and nothing really seemed to be working…. That is, until we asked a question. “What if we cancel this class?”
With that one question, the skies opened up, the clouds parted, tiny flying cherubs blasted their tiny cherub-trumpets, and the energy came rushing back into our facilitation business!
Asking a question, no matter how stupid or ridiculous it may seem, will always open you up to different possibilities. So when you’re going forward in your life and all of a sudden, it seems like the energy’s been sucked out of whatever you’re doing that used to be fun, it’s very likely you’ve come to some kind of conclusion about it.
Instead of sitting with it for a week like we did, you can shortcut the whole thing by asking a question like “What conclusion did I come to here that created this?”
And then when you have the awareness of the conclusion you made, let that bad boy go!
A question will always open a new door. A conclusion will close them all.
“What else is possible here I haven’t considered?” |